CGT (Compatibility Genetic Test for Reproductivity)

The CGT, which is applied in our center, is a test that enables the screening of more than 300 genetically inherited diseases, and thousands of mutations (genetic coding deformities) that cause over 1600 diseases in different groups in one session.

Not only the physical observable characteristic of egg donors but also their overall health and whether they are carriers of any recessive genetic mutations is one of the most forefront worrisome issues for the recipients in egg donation practices. Many in vitro fertilization and donation centers serving in the region state that they adopt and conducted the genetic screening tests that are recommended to be performed within the frame of European standards for common genetic diseases such as thalassemia, cystic fibrosis, etc. However, the tests, which are declared as genetic screening tests by these centers, are solely blood tests rather than a gene-level examination. Therefore, these blood tests fall short to clear up the worries of the couples planning to have a baby via egg donation IVF. These blood tests remain incapable to answer the couple's questions such as "How safe is the donor egg?" "Am I under the risk of having a child with a genetic disease caused by the donor egg?", and "How carefully are the donors tested for possible genetic recessive mutations”?

Gene mutations are responsible for all genetic diseases. People may carry certain gene mutations, which go unnoticed without resulting in disease. Such people are called carriers. Today, couples planning to have a baby or donors may be the carriers of one or more genetic mutations out of thousands of gene mutations, and until recently, it was not medically and technically possible to scan for these gene mutations. Now by taking a blood sample, Compatibility Genetic Test (CGT), also known as Genetic Carrier Screening makes it possible to analyze the genes and detect over 300 known genetic diseases.

What is CGT?

As known, great progress has been achieved in the field of genetics in recent years. Especially with the genetic mapping of humans, many genetic mutations (genetic code defects occurring at the DNA level) that can cause disease can be detected beforehand.

By using a blood sample taken from the person, the Carrier Genetic Test (CGT) makes it possible to screen and evaluate over 300 genetically transmitted diseases and thousands of gene mutations linked to over 1600 diseases in one session.

In other words, while only a few gene mutations can be examined in genetic screening services performed with conventional methods, hundreds of genetic diseases can be screened simultaneously in CGT. Moreover, compared to the cost of screening just one gene in the previous years, the CGT is less costly.

How is the Process Carried Out?

When you apply our center for egg donation IVF treatment, you can make your donor selection, which is based on physical observable characteristics, from the pool of donors who have already had CGT.

If the donor is selected from the general pool of donors, who haven't had a carrier genetic test yet, a blood sample is taken from the donor that you select and sent for analysis and evaluation to our genetic center.  This procedure, which consists of taking a blood sample, and the analysis and evaluations, takes about 2-4 weeks. You are informed once the results are available.

Is the CGT Test Used Just in Egg Donation Treatments?

The Carrier Genetic Screening that we offer at Near East IVF Center is not limited just to selecting an egg donor, but also it is applied for couples planning to have a baby by using their own eggs and sperm through IVF treatment. CGT is applied to verify the compatibility of the couples and rule out the option of conceiving a baby with a genetic disease.

Thanks to this test, it can be ensured that couples give birth to healthy babies even in consanguineous marriages by applying genetic selection.