
Surrogate mother is a woman who agrees to bear a child on behalf on a person or couple. Surrogate mother has no genetic relationship with the newborn. Very rarely, the surrogate mother's own egg is used and fertilized when sperm from the intended father or a sperm donor is introduced into the uterus.Intended parents are individuals who contract with the surrogate mother to achieve their aspirations to have a child and plan to become the social and legal parent of the child. Under the terms of the contract, the role of the surrogate mother is limited to carrying the pregnancy and giving birth to the child.

Reasons for Using Surrogacy Method

  • Absence or dysfunction of the uterus
  • Presence of diseases that prevent safe pregnancy
  • Health issues prevent a woman from getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term
  • Inability to conceive and/or carry the pregnancy
  • Advanced maternal age

The indication should be clearly documented in the patient's medical record.

As surrogacy is considered as an ethically, morally and religiously controversial issue, it is applicable only in some countries over the world. While some countries such as Russia, India, Iran, and South Africa allow surrogacy, it is banned in some countries such as France, Italy, and China. In some countries such as the United States, Australia, and Canada, the legality of the procedure varies by state. In TRNC, surrogacy is a legal way leading you to have a baby and make your dreams come true.

Who Can Be a Surrogate Mother?

  • Healthy women between the ages of 21-45
  • Women who have previously had a healthy live birth
  • Women who do not have any contagious disease
  • Women who do not have alcohol-cigarette and drug-substance addiction
  • Women whose social life and psychological status are suitable for surrogacy